Sunday, April 10, 2005

Busy Busy Boy

Gotta love my photo for today! That hair of mine just has a life of it's own in the mornings. Well it's actually afternoon! I've been flat out. I mean it! Flat out with all sorts of tasks. Updating my Indoor Cricket site with a totally new theme. I have made the Blackouthouse blacker! I love the new look and it seems the guys love it too.

I've also been busy setting up Xboxs for Halo frag sessions with my mates. If you haven't played a link up game of Halo with 2 Xboxs then ya gotta get it going! Anyone who thinks it's not worth doing are kidding themselves! Just wasn't happy about the fact a regular ethernet cable wouldn't do the trick. You have to buy the official cord. WHY? That's blatant extortion in my books. Not happy Bill! You're rich enough aren't you?

Buying cheap Net Mini Disc players. Seems every man in his dingo are buying iPods and so Sony Mini Disc players prices are dropping faster then Paris Hilton's panties! It's excellent finally being able to use the PC to edit track names and edit track positions with ease! Never was an easy task in the past!

I'm gonna be finally moving soon. Which means a computer room! No more sharing the same room with the TV. But this could cause trouble in the roost. Me and the other half chat while she watches TV and I piss around on the net. But with a seperate room could be a problem as we are in seperate rooms. To be continued...

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