Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wedding Update

Today we went shopping for the wedding outfits. I managed to snap up a wedding suit for the big day but Yutang failed to find something that is... her. So the search continues for the brides outfit. Also today the date has been finalised. We will now get hitched at 10:00am 29th June, 2005 at the Registry in Chippendale. The only thing left to do now is organise a reception lunch. So far it's been a case of trying to get in touch with the restaraunt. But I'll keep you up to date once any venue has been set. All invites will be sent soon but only once the details are set.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Wedding Plans

I've been getting everyone asking me "when's your wedding?" "where's the reception?" in fact every question just short of who's the bride! Those who are invited will get their invites soon with the details are showing on the invite. As I've stated from the start, both Yutang and myself do not want a big wedding. Just a casual get together showing off the fact we are finally a married couple.

It's a simple registry wedding with a reception lunch at a nearby restaraunt. To finish off we'll be looking like coming back to our house to celebrate with drinks and food at our house. We'll be flying off to the Gold Coast and staying at Sufers Paradise for our mini Honey Moon. Our major OS trip to China/Japan shall be next year in about April 2006. There'll be a formal ceremony in China to allow Yutang's parents to celebrate the wedding in a traditional matter.

Today I've been busy booking flights, hotel rooms and I haven't even confirmed the wedding date with the registry or booked the reception lunch. But once all the details have been booked and it's 100% official then the invites shall be hoisted out the mail.

We haven't even looked at photographers, flowers or even what to wear! ...and I thought MOVING was a hassle!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Owie Finally Wins One

Halo proved to be a tough challenge for Owen. Multiplayer that is. Many needless deaths, silly suicides and fruitless onslaughts have all led to the same result for Owie... defeat. But finally Owie wins one on Battle Creek. You see Owie has discovered the camoflauge. Now he's gonna stealth his way to wins in the cheapest way possible! LOL

Seriously, well done Owie on your ONE win. Now can you better that mate?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Brian: 3 Owen: 0

Poor Owie. Alway comes over to knock me out of my Halo Champion chair and fails miserably in every way! LOL He only just learnt that my favourite weapons are Sniper and Shotgun but likes to play with Rocket Launchers when cloaked! I only go for the invisiblity when he hops in one of those super tanks. I then take a rocket launcher with me and sneak up on him... BOOM! "You can't do that!" he yells. When he re-appears he is still getting over being blown up and BOOM! Another death notched up! LOL

Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars: Episode III

We did the hardcore fan thing to do last night and went to view the midnight opening screening of Star Wars: Episode III (Revenge of the Sith). Got to say George finally got it right. Not saying that Episode II was complete crap but it certainly should have been better to be dubbed a Star Wars movie. Not going to mention anything to do with the plot or story. You guys who haven't seen it deserve to see it for yourself. Let's just say you'll be glad to see Lucas manages to break free of the shackles that seemed to hold him back on the first two movies. But you'll see how everything fitted in and why he pain stakenly made you sit through those first two movies. Just a shame he couldn't have made the first two movies as good as he did this one. I can tell you two things though. SWIII has laughs in it. Something that has been painfully missing from I & II which meant they lacked personality. The other thing is the best news of all. Jar Jar Binks, everyones favourite punching bag, is only in it for a glimpse and he says... NOTHING!


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Wedding Plans

Just for the curious out there we plan to get married on the 30th June 2005. We are not going to be doing the plate smashing thing. Leave that to the Greeks. It's just going to be a simple ceremony and dinner affair as both Yutang and I agree that we want to keep it simple. But the big event will come next year as we plan on heading to Beijing and then on to Tokyo. Beijing to meet the in laws where I'll be forced to use sign language as both Yutang's parents speak next to no English! Then onto Japan to meet the sister in laws. But till then we'll have to make do with a trip to Melbourne. Sunny Melbourne! Yutang has never been there and I've only spent a week there myself so we will enjoy it despite the expected freezing conditions.

My parents will be down a week before the wedding and we'll be just taking it easy as we have spent alot of money recently with the move and furniture. How many others out there are going through this right now? I know 3 others at work that have a similar scenario. Thinking of buying property. Thinking of having children. Looking at health cover and all the other necessities involved. One things for sure. Yutang can't accuse me of marrying her for her money! LOL

Owie Loses... AGAIN!

Just another update on what's happenned today. Owen came round for another thrashing in Halo. Despite being 6 kills to 0 at the beginning of the 3rd match he still ended up losing and still I remain undefeated. Come on Owen. There's no more excuses now. You jus stink at Halo. Say it!

We just gotta get Halo 2. We needs more courses! Plus I seen an expansion pack for Halo 2 is coming soon. Man it's starting to get good. San Andreas in June and now this! While I mention it... isn't Vice City a great game or what? You can just spend hours being distracted from your missions in this game and still not get bored!

Friday, May 13, 2005

Talking about The Pain Starts Here

Good to see the O'ster make a start on getting his pics online. His gots loads and loads of Kodak moments just waiting to be shared with the millions! Make sure you get on over to Owie's site for more shenanigans than I could possibly dish up!


The Pain Starts Here

Hello World or as I say... OHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAH!

Welcome to the O ZONE….

This is the “OJ” man in action! On my new website. In the next few weeks you will see updates, photos of  OJ and friends as well as many other people and upcoming events. This is where it will all start where one day I will organise the “Worlds Biggest Bullrush” Stay glued for more!

Owie Joins the Blog Fest

Today Owie came over to once again try to knock me off my undefeated reign in Halo. But alas he failed with a score of 25 Kills to his 12. Owie mate... keep trying! We've become absolutely hooked on Halo link up games and now one of us needs to get another copy of Halo 2 to stop us getting tired of the same ol' maps. Anyone else out there played Halo link up death matches? If you haven't then you're missing out on the reason why you got an Xbox to begin with! Till broadband becomes slightly less ridiculous in price I'll take 2 TV's in 2 seperate rooms any day!

Also I helped OJK get his blog site set up. Took a while of messing around but finally the O'ster has a site up and running. It'll be good when he gets a PC of his own up and running. You can check out his site at http://spaces.msn.com/members/owiezone/ and don't be afraid to comment on his site!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

So Many Changes

I'm now typing this out in the new unit and I gotta tell you that the move was worth it in the end. Bigger rooms, nicer kitchen and with all the new furniture we've been adding to the mix it's all looking like home sweet home. Also another new addition to the family has come about. A cat. We've named her Foo Foo (after Eddie Murphy's African Bush Bitch character, Umfoofoo, from Raw) and she's a nut of a cat. But unfortunately she is like that because she was mistreated by her former owners. So we're doing everything we can to get her tamed and hope she'll settle on down. She's a winner at hide-and-seek as she is always hard to track down when we get home. Behind desks, in cupboards, on top of cupboards, INSIDE desks! At least she'll be hard to spot by visitors!