Saturday, May 14, 2005

Wedding Plans

Just for the curious out there we plan to get married on the 30th June 2005. We are not going to be doing the plate smashing thing. Leave that to the Greeks. It's just going to be a simple ceremony and dinner affair as both Yutang and I agree that we want to keep it simple. But the big event will come next year as we plan on heading to Beijing and then on to Tokyo. Beijing to meet the in laws where I'll be forced to use sign language as both Yutang's parents speak next to no English! Then onto Japan to meet the sister in laws. But till then we'll have to make do with a trip to Melbourne. Sunny Melbourne! Yutang has never been there and I've only spent a week there myself so we will enjoy it despite the expected freezing conditions.

My parents will be down a week before the wedding and we'll be just taking it easy as we have spent alot of money recently with the move and furniture. How many others out there are going through this right now? I know 3 others at work that have a similar scenario. Thinking of buying property. Thinking of having children. Looking at health cover and all the other necessities involved. One things for sure. Yutang can't accuse me of marrying her for her money! LOL

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