Friday, May 20, 2005

Star Wars: Episode III

We did the hardcore fan thing to do last night and went to view the midnight opening screening of Star Wars: Episode III (Revenge of the Sith). Got to say George finally got it right. Not saying that Episode II was complete crap but it certainly should have been better to be dubbed a Star Wars movie. Not going to mention anything to do with the plot or story. You guys who haven't seen it deserve to see it for yourself. Let's just say you'll be glad to see Lucas manages to break free of the shackles that seemed to hold him back on the first two movies. But you'll see how everything fitted in and why he pain stakenly made you sit through those first two movies. Just a shame he couldn't have made the first two movies as good as he did this one. I can tell you two things though. SWIII has laughs in it. Something that has been painfully missing from I & II which meant they lacked personality. The other thing is the best news of all. Jar Jar Binks, everyones favourite punching bag, is only in it for a glimpse and he says... NOTHING!


1 comment:

ashley said...

I went to opening night wearing one of those talking darth vader mask/voice changer things. Let me just argue a few points ere\'Episode one was good because it was about innosence (and how shocking my spelling is). It wasnt sposed to be all rough and tumble but still managed to sought out a few good scenes with the pod race, darth maul vs Obi-wan and Qui Gon, gungan vs federation droids.Episode two was good because it was all about the growing of understanding between the 2 armies, a pivot point for the whole storyline as previous foes had seemed quite lesser in power to the republic were now becoming more equal. This was also the starting of anakins kick up with obi wan and had some good scenes like the whole end battle, the arena and the space chase between Jengo in the slave one and Obi wan in the republic ship.Episode three was good because this was the main action, it had some pretty breathtaking sequences like the opening space battle, wookies vs. Sepratists and Obi-wan vs anakin. However that is not to say there wasnt crap bits in Darth Vader going NOooooo! or the new droid voices seemed half assed, or even the painfully obvious CG on the republic commandos, heads bobbing up and down to wrong time of the body - classy.All 3 had funny bits - but i rekon episode 2 yoda fighting took the cake.