Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Beginning Of a New Era...

It has taken a long time. 2000 was the beginning of acceptence of Internet and things like online banking, shopping and all things www. But it seems all this has been nothing more then a prelude. Something much much larger is on the way. Whether you'll dub it Internet 2.0 or whatever I doubt it deserves one single entity as it'll be a convergence of many things to spark from 2006 onwards. The TV is being replaced... or enhanced to be precise. Content on demand! Pretty soon Eddie Macguire and the gang at Nine may find themselves with very few people watching as the populace flock to newly created Content on Demand devices. It's beginning already... you just haven't seen it yet.


In case you didn't hear already Channel Seven and Yahoo! have announced a partnership to rival Nine and their long standing marriage with Microsoft. All this has coincided with Yahoo's big "Yahoo! Go!" project. They want kind of like a large online Blockbuster store where you can simply select what you want and have it billed to your account to pay off whenever. This will turn buisinesses on their heads! The traditionally powerful networks may find themselves without an audience if they don't make a move now to join in what is the equivalent of Silent Films of the new era. Google have plans of their own too announcing a Video store of their own. Do you still want to open that Blockbuster franchise now?


...and guess who is quiet during this whole process. The big M that's who as they are busy scraping together a replacement for XP that no one may even care about. The power is not in the technology anymore. It's not even in the software anymore. It's going to be a focus on content and which company puts it in your face with the greatest of ease! Then once it's all set up you'll be finding content changing from simple movies to more and more dynamically interactive entertainment available on tap to the masses.


2006 is going to be one hell of a ride me thinks! This is one techno junkie that'll be enjoying the ride!

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