Monday, May 25, 2009

So Much To Do, Which Project First?

I’ve got so many side projects going on it’s hard to work out which one I should focus on first. First there’s my Japan/China 2006 DVD that I am editing. I’ve also got my dining table that I need to paint (it’s a natural pine lacquer but needs to be deep brown). Also I have my Blackout site that constantly needs updating. We’ve got a skylight to be installed. A heater that also needs installation. A shower that needs re-tiling. Not to mention all those unfinished RPG's and other games in general sitting in the storage room.

This got me to thinking how do people just focus on one thing at one time? I can have up to 10 things going at once as my attention span just plain sucks! My wife was talking about how she has Chinese friends who already have career paths set out for their four year old kids! I can’t even plan out what I will do tomorrow! Studying has never been in my vocabulary. I get so side tracked that I feel occupied and not bored in what I am doing… it’s just that I end up doing something else that is so non-related to my initial project that you’d think that my motive was to simply avoid that first task!

Motivation has a lot to do with it perhaps. I need to see an end result. If I get too many hurdles or if there is no clear path to get to my desired result… I’ll just meander off to another task that has a more obtainable goal.

So… my question is this. How do you remain focused? Or what tasks do you have that remained unfinished and can’t see doing in the foreseeable future?

Black Books - Procrastination in a Nutshell!

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