Was in an EB at Warringah Mall here in Sydney and they had an advert playing over the PA (in that ridiculous annoying voice they seem to think we feel is cool) and it said "Trade in your PS2 plus 25 games and the new PS3 can be yours for only $699! That's the best bargain you'll find this summer!"
I was gobbed smacked! Has Sony lost the plot? Have they forgotten why people play games to begin with? Fun anyone? I had Nirvana's "Rape Me" song playing through my mind when I heard that "offer". Is it just me or is Nintendo going to clean up if their console is at a more reasonable and realistic price point? Could you imagine having to give up 25 PS2 titles... AND A CONSOLE?
For the price they are asking for it better be the most awsome experience out there plus be able to Knock Out the Fat!
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