Quick update to point you folks to my 3rd Video Blog. This time it's a surprising look at Xbox 360's "backward compatibility". You'll be surprised at how many titles in my collection didn't make the cut!
Click here to watch it!
My random ramblings. The world seen by a middle aged gamer who's been blasting pixels since Spacies. Desperate to get back into the game industry. A mortgage keeps me in a real job!
Quick update to point you folks to my 3rd Video Blog. This time it's a surprising look at Xbox 360's "backward compatibility". You'll be surprised at how many titles in my collection didn't make the cut!
Click here to watch it!
After handing out the hard earnt and then parting off from the shop with my newly prized 360 my first impression was "damn this beeyach is heavy!" as it broke the plastic bag it came in! After carting it home I got to the task of unpacking it. Gotta say it's the biggest console packaging I've seen since I bought a Mega CD back in the day. I was impressed with the fact that Microsoft have included most items needed to get play underway. Remote, wireless controller, one big mutha of a power pack and plenty of other gizmos. The fact that they include Energizer battery's instead of some hack Taiwan bootleg power cells didn't go unnoticed.
Being able to plug the optic 5.1 straight into the 360 via the AV plug was something of a bonus that was a sore point with me last time round. Xbox was always advertised as a 5.1 unit and to find you needed to outlay a further $60 was a slap in the nether region when all you wanted was out of the box in your face action. But it seems enough of us complained to make M$ get it right this time. So after having all the jacks in place I power up. No more bang bang bang start up screen. A nice simple bing and I'm faced with setting screens. I had to fiddle about with my wireless adapter (DWL-G820) but a simple power cycle sniped that problem in the butt.
So I'm now up and running and connecting to Xbox Live, my favourite single most thing about the whole Xbox eXperience. Getting my profile ported over was a sinch. Rather than the dicky Credit Card verification method I simply needed to use my Windows Live sign in. Cool. Since I use that often I knew the password's etc off by heart. Once I signed in everything fell into place.
I then hooked in my webcam which I purchased as a headset came with it (but not with the 360 itself tsk tsk). Once I plugged that in the dashboard changed ever so slightly. My image was in a watery mess in the background as a nice touch. Well done R & D. Subtle but slick utilisation of the cam. After sorting that I now wanted to get online with Halo 2 (afterall we did refer to the Xbox as "that Halo machine"!). Downloading the maps was gonna be a bother so I remembered I bought the Map Pack DVD and got that installed. Got into my first game and found that the voice with the 360 headset was a little more rough on my end but other users stated I sounded clearer. Strange indeed. I also had probs with the forementioned wireless adapeter. Seems the 360 is a little more greedier with data traffic so I had to stop and re-config to speed the DWL-G820 up in "Turbo G" mode.
Right so that's the Live side sorted out. Lets play Kameo. Yawn. Eject. Maybe I gotta give it time but it seemed like a chore to play this right now. So I leave it for another day. I then hop back in to see what this new console of mine can do. I head to market place. Buy some M points or whatever they're called and buy Bejewelled 2. Yeah I know Streetfighter 2 was there but I'm hooked on this puzzle thing! Played that but didn't earn any gamer points.
So sussed all that out but what about this streaming music thing? So I head to the Windows Media section... follow the prompts and although I don't have Windows Media Centre I still manage to send music from my Wi-Fi to my Hi-Fi thanks to my wireless router network I have in my house. Looks like that Logitech Music Anywhere bluetooth music streamer is out of a job! I couldn't believe how easy it was to get the music from my PC to the 360. The visualiser looks fantastic with the webcam throwing in a surprise or two with some creepy effects when I moved. But the lack of a shuffle or random feature is a bit of a concern unless I have plain missed it.
I also watched some video's streamed to my telly and it all looked good in widescreen. Photo's come up surprisingly clear as well! So overall they score highly for the media aspect of this machine which goes way beyond expectations in music management. Even simply displaying music titles despite not being online was a big surprise to me.
So after some Red vs Blue on Marketplace, getting my first accomplishment points and watching a DVD that wrapped up my first day with the 360. Overall I am keen to see what other surprises Microsoft have in stall for what promises to be a great console for years to come. I'm stoked.
Of course I'll be updating this blog with any new problems or good surprises that come my way so keep an eye out for that!
I can't wait to get stuck into my Xbox 360 when it arrives. Till then Halo 2, Fable, Project Gotham Racing 2 and Silent Hill 4: The Room are getting a working over. But mostly it's always Halo 2 that resides in the CD tray.
After complaining to a newly found mate on Xbox Live that I have only achieved 1 Killtacular ever and coming oh so close to doing it on MANY occasions I finally got my wish... and then some!
I achieved my first KILLING SPREE! 5 in a row... 4 seconds between. It was almost 6 in a row but... RAN OUT OF BULLETS! LOL
By the time I was reloading I had cheesed off enough of them and was pinned down... and tea bagged for my efforts!
Can't wait for the new maps. Hope they simply re-launch Halo 1 maps as well for use with Halo 2. That would simply ROCK to play the old tracks again. Countdown for Halo 3 begins! Sign me up!
Can't believe it's taken this long but FINALLY I'm on level 10 on my Gamespot blog site. So now I'm allowed to post video blogs. I've wasted little time and have got two up there so far. My first blog was simply more of a test than a blog. It's a quick fly by of my collection and not much more. But my latest v-blog shows ME! I decided to show 5 blasts from the past that I have in my collection. I loved these titles and still enjoy a quick hit out on them today.
For my next blog I may show off my NHL collection from EA. Best and worst of the series and how much they have wained away from the innovative side of things that made EA a household name.
Hope you enjoy the blog. It's a totally new experience for me!
Most of you regulars to this site may already know about Flickr and my newly found fascination with this photo sharing thing. But if you haven't visited my Flickr site already then you missed out on these beauties:
Highlights of photos tagged "Blackout"
My current top 5 photos
In response to San Andreas Suits Advance
Although Rockstar stuffed it big time by having such content within the game has anyone forgotten the lengths needed to view the offending title. It's not like you can accidentally come across it during one of the missions. If it were an option within the open menu then yeah I could understand the legal cases occuring for sure. But were talking redundant data. We should all drag out Sonic 2 for the Mega Drive and play the lost level (which was only accesable using an Action Replay as Sega couldn't complete the game in time) looking for sexually suggestive content. OK... stupid comparison but you get the drift. People buying a game based on gang welfare selling drugs, shooting rival gangs and not to mention the language used within the game should hardly be offended with the hard to get to mini game which only hard core nerds could access to begin with. Furthers the call to have 18+ Rated games become readily acceptable.
Was just getting into my shift at work in the Qantas terminal in Sydney Airport and saw a media scrum. Wondered what all the commotion was abotu so I wondered over with my camera. Behold! The NRL trophy was found in it's prestige and glory. Intact! For those not in the know. It went to Melbourne for a promotional shoot. When shoved on a flight to Sydney, Qantas goofed up and sent it to Perth by mistake! With the Western Reds being as bad as they were this was as close as Perth was ever going to get in getting this cup in their neck of the woods!
The grand highlight of the day was a team of abseilers we spotted scaling a 300 metre waterfall into a lake below. Logan couldn't help stripping down and diving in like some Tarzan wannabe! LOL That guy is nuts. But it looked like fun diving in. I never expected to see enough water in that section to be able to swim in. Guess I'll know next time and try it on our next trip!
Since joining Flickr I''ve been busy getting all my past snaps up on the site. I'm almost finished. Selecting, Uploading, Tagging, Labelling and then siiting back to see which photo's make the most "interestingness" list. I've been even motivated enough by this whole Flickr experience to go out and replace that camera I busted up in Beijing along the outer skirtings of the Forbidden City. I'm now the proud owner of a Fuji Finepix S5600. Not an expensive camera by any means. Only AU$299. Do a word search on the model and you'll find that to be cheap! But you get alot of camera for your bucks! It's an SRL style camera with 10x optical zoom and it has a 5M sensor. Can't wait to get out there an take some real photo's with it.
I'm wondering away though for the real reason for this blog entry. I'm celebrating 1000 views! I was attemtping to keep up to match the views with number of photo's. But in the last week the numbers have flown over out of control! That photo you see at the top of this blog of old Opera House herself is my #1 viewed, faved photo by other Flickr users. But it's Foo Foo that makes the top list constantly. She has #2, #3, #4 and #9 spots. Spoilt cat! This Blue Mountains walk coming up I'll be busy with the lens so I'm looking forward to that!
Blue Mountains Bushwalk
Date: Saturday 23 September 2006
Meet at Penrith Maccas at 10:00am.
To get there: 1) Get on the M4 and head west.
2) Take the Mulgoa Road Exit (turn right at the traffic lights)
3) Maccas is approx 3 mins up the road, just passed the
roundabout at the corner of Jamison Rd and Mulgoa Rd.
Place: Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains National Park
(parking off Falls Road, Wentworth Falls)
Walks: Overcliff/Undercliff/National Pass/Valley of the Waters
Time: approx 4.5 hrs
A description of some of the walks we’ll be doing:
For superb Blue Mountains scenery, without going too far from civilization, Wentworth Falls, Leura and Katoomba are the ideal spots.
For the fitter hikers, the 4km 4hr climb down National Pass and up through the Valley of the Waters (or vice-versa) is recommended, with a descent of approx. 200m. Many walkers, the author included, emerge looking done in. A few look like they're just getting warmed up.