Friday, August 12, 2005

It's Not Over Yet

Just when you thought the commotion of a wedding is behind you another surprise is announced. Wayne (my brother for those not in the know) is to get married on the 31st October 2005 to Dannielle. Seems the bug has bitten these two and that they must now tie the knot as well!


They'll be at an advantage over Yutang and I as we went into the whole wedding thing with no big plan. But it got me to thinking. Why must there be a plan? They announced that there'll be a rehersal. I declined to turn up to this on principle alone. A wedding is not something that must be "to plan". The event itself is the plan. The mistakes and mishaps are sometimes what makes up the experience. Surely though you need a rough guide as to what will occur on the day. But to plan who makes a speech, who drives who where, who even SITS where? Well I can't say our wedding was without faults. If I was to do another one I'd make sure that some people are nominated as drivers. I'd also get someone to be prepared to make a speech. But I wouldn't do a "rehersal". Sounds too contrived.


The bottom line is that the wedding itself has become too traditionalised. I think that the wedding is just the process you need to go through to announce your commitment and vows to your partner and that your marriage mustn't be overshadowed by "the wedding".

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