Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WARNING!!! Beware of Dodgey Video’s On the Net

I was searching the net for some “how to” video’s for some website creation stuff I need for my Blackouthouse.com site when I got a page showing what looked to be a video wanting to load. But the screen froze and showed a message stating that a missing video codec file was needed to continue. So I figured if I need it then I need it. Turns out that the message (much like the site) was bogus and that the file it installed was in fact some "malware” software that claims to be an anti-virus program with loads of spelling errors. As you can see from the screen shot below it looks legit and even copies the look of Microsoft’s very own Security Centre for XP! Now I got to get rid of it. It now sends me to their site all the time and basically now shits me off!

MS AV Screen

So if you get a message page stating a needed Codec is to be installed… maybe it’s just not worth the risk unless you “trust the site”.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Is iTunes the iPhones uNdoing?

I know what you're thinking when you read the title of this entry. "Here we have another nerdy iPhone blogger". Well... you're right... except... I'm not nerdy enough to get myself out of this hassle that Apple have me in. I have two big issues with Apple at the moment that no amount of trouble shooting has solved.

3rd Party Apps

I have been trial software freak since getting onto a PC way back in 97... even further back if you count Amiga 500. So for me downloading, trialling and uninstalling shareware or demos is no big whoop. Yeah I know after a few months it clutters up your PC with all kinds of junk such as undeleted files, registry items but the upside  it all is that you get to find out about really cool software way before most people... and the shit ones too. But iPhone Apps don't work so well.

After approximately a month of happily using the iPhone relatively problem free I have encountered a massive headache that has forced me to try all sorts of trouble shooting methods that have led to me ultimately resetting the phone to Factory settings. But even this hasn't solved my hassles. None of the 3rd party apps now work without hassle. I have managed to get some to work now (such as the cool Sydney Traffic app) but the Facebook app... is now a no show. That was one of the things I liked the most about the iPhone. Instant access to Facebook. All I get now is the program loading up... followed by it dissapearing and showing me the homepage again without as much as a crumby error message at least giving me some hope of solving the problem.

I went to the forums and the boards are littered with folks with the same problem. Some get their problems solved and some don't. I tried all the steps that the happy folks tried but they didn't work for little ol' me.


I ordered music now where is it? I don't give the guy in the CD shop and walk out empty handed so why should this be different?  I might stick with CD shops, eBay and borrowing CD's. At least it's tangible and in your little grubby hands! I ordered three albums (If you must know they were: Superunknown SOUNDGARDEN, Secrets of the Ancients Revealed - EP THE MEANIES and Six Suitable Tracks - EP THE MEANIES) but that was on my iPhone. My iPhone timed out the download. It said that the songs will go to my computer instead. Yet they're nowhere to be found. I have clicked all sorts of buttons from within the iTunes program, followed a heap of online help pages and they are amount to crap. Give me my $30 back! LOL

I have reported the problem but have learnt not to bother with iTunes except to use it to sync with the iPhone. If given a choice I'd rather use a third party client as iTunes is a decent software but let down by buggy programming and mediocre performance.

Quote from iTunes help page:

Apple - Support - iTunes Store
I paid for music that didn't download completely.Most times, your download will restart the next time you open iTunes, even after a power outage. To see if you have any pending downloads, select "Check for Purchases" under the Store menu. If your download doesn't resume, please report the problem through your Purchase History. To report a problem with your download:Locate the item in your Purchase History Click the "Report a Problem" link Select "I didn't receive this item" Enter a description of the issue that you're experiencing in the comments field and hit Submit Our support agents will review your request and get back to you as quickly as possible.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Re-Formatting Dramas

Just been having some problems with this PC of late. Facebook applications forced my PC to be re-formatted as I had inadvertantly accepted a Spyware or Malware laddened peice of software which resulted in pop ups galore everytime I opened a new browser window or searched anything. So I bit the bullet and deleted everything (after a quick backup using Norton 360) and now I'm experiencing the pain of starting from scratch.


Problems faced with re-formatting:


  • D-Link Wireless Card (DWL-G510) - Now always throws up the following message on start up: "AirGCFG.exe Entry Point not found" and "WZCSLDR2.exe Entry Point not found". I have installed the latest driver off the net to try and rectify this... no luck! Only a slight problem and maybe fixable if I contact D-Link (or if someone sees this entry after a Google search and has the answer!!! Open-mouthed  Pain factor: Baring teethBaring teeth
  • HP Printer Software - Unable to install the software and drivers. Halfway through installation I get an interupt message stating that HP Installer Otion Plug-In needs to close. I had this running before the re-format although the HP software was always kinda buggy. It failed to close whenever I wanted to shut down the system. Hate to say it but the Lexmark software was better but they both suck and are seemingly outdated looking software apps. I am downloading the most up to date driver off the net as the one I was using was on the CD-ROM supplied and I am thinking that the XP Service Pack 3 has something to do with this error. I am hoping anyways! Pain factor: Baring teethBaring teethBaring teethBaring teeth

I have so many more programs left to install and it's not going well so far! Here's what's left to install:

  • MS Office 2007 (That's gonna suck)
  • MS Frontpage
  • Windows Live
  • iTunes
  • Adobe Album 2
  • Xara software

Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

iPhone Madness

Well I joined the hype and lined up in the new slick Mac store in Sydney's George Street to nab me one of the new iPhones. No I wasn't there on launch day. I actually tried to get one at Miranda on launch but no luck thanks to Apples really lame distribution of the much wanted must have gadget. But one hour in the extensive Optus contract line up (the Telstra line had many tumbleweeds and Vodafone's line up had two stooges in it) and an hour of getting the contract sorted out, I walked away with a very pretty bag with an apple logo on it containing something that will be the topic of many blogs to come from me... the 3G iPhone.


First up... yes I am having a ball with this phone. It has changed my outlook on what a phone should be. Is it perfect? No. In fact far from it. This is the beauty of this new phone. It's like cake. You know it's not good for you... but you find yourself really wanting it. Now before I go on I must confess. I'm a creature of habit. When it comes to PC and Pocket PC's I have developed many habits that I feel I must do to make use of these gadgets. Not everyone is going to find the hang ups I have with the iPhone. In fact, most people will read my complaints on the new phone and think to themselves "oh man... get over it!". And they are probably right.


But for now I'll just write down my favourite aspects of the iPhone:

  1. The user interface. This just plain rocks. Everything about how you interact with the unit is just so intuitive. In fact... when you pull out the phone from the box you'll notice something lacking. The instuction manual! You won't need one. It just all comes to you and it makes sense! Want to zoom in on a photo? Squeeze the screen with your fingers. Need to move to another screen? Slide the screen with the finger. Want to change the screen from vertical to horizontal? Then just twist the phone in your hand! It will change by itself!
  2. Cool Gadgets. Try downloading the lightsaber app. Just think Nintendo Wii controller meets Star Wars. Then hook it up to your loudest stereo for full effect! This is just the beginning of many great downloads to come!
  3. Change Your Internet Experience.  I've read already some comments from people reviewing the Facebook app. One guy wrote "Facebook on the net is just plain weird. But on the iPhone it makes sense!". It really does simplify everything when using the iPhone for the net thanks to Safari's easy to use navigation options.

I could go one but not today. I'll come back later to update on things that I have had to deal with that make the iPhone a not so enjoyable experience. But for now... if you are hesitant to get one... don't be! It's a really slick phone that will make you wish there were more products out there that made life more fun!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eternal Sonata (360) - SHort Review

I had been curious about this title for sometime. Actually it was on Gamespot that I first spotted it. But to find it on a bargain bin (JB HiFi for all you Australian gamers) for only $29 was a treat!


You play the part of a group of adventurers in a world that has been dreamed up by Chopin who is on his deathbed at a tragically young age. From the very get go you'll be in love with the amazingly lush detail that has been pumped into this title. This kind of game seems to be only possible by Japanese game designers it plays more like a cartoon with lenghty cut scenes (my controller timed out on one of them!) and gourgeous landscapes that carry the story line from start to end.


It's only downfall are the documentary like interludes that give you an insight into Chopin's tragic short life that break up the pace of the game. It's fuelled by lushes visuals, an engaging combat system that utilises light and shadow to give the player more to think about during battles. Plus it's voice acting won't leave you wanting to hit the mute button. My only critisism is that the game is very much linear. But this may appeal to the more casual gamer. It still has enough to amuse the more harden RPG'er considering the lack of turn based RPG's on the market today.

Friday, May 16, 2008

What's Your Rep?

Just curious to know if you have looked at your own Xbox Live rep yet? You should! It's a great insight into what people think of you! At the moment... I am apparently a potty mouthed git who can't stand losing. Well... it doesn't state that in so many words but here's my report:


Negative Feedback

Bad Language: 40%

Unsportman Conduct: 60%


Well so what! If I don't like F*&%ing like losing and I make sure they know it.. I'm only proving that I am in fact human! LOL


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Top Ten Xbox 360 Titles

Here are my top 10 games played on my Xbox 360 according to www.360voice.com which has been tracking my gaming habits since almost day one of owning the Microsoft console:


1) Halo 3 (77 days)

2) NHL 07 (32 days)

3) Pinball FX (30 days)

4) PGR 3 (27 days)

5) Bejewelled 2 (22 days)

6) UNO (21 days)

7) Puzzle Quest (21 days)

8) Blue Dragon (20 days)

9) Bankshot Billiards (18 days)

10) Dead or Alive 4 (17 days)


There's no surprise at Halo 3 being at the top. Heck my old Xbox was also known as the Halo console. But one of the big surprises is that half of the games in that list are Xbox Live Arcade titles. Downloads. Paid downloads I may add. But it shows the success of Microsoft's Live Arcade platform. But lately the titles being released on the XLA platform have been crud. But some decen, higher quality stuff is on the horizon. Especially with Capcom launching some re-polished arcade titles. Is anyone else in the games industry taking notes?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Long Time No Blog

Just filling the void that has been the past month or so since my last blog entry here on the MSN Spaces. First thing first… I'm now beating my brother in his Xbox Gamerscore. Yes I cheated a bit… or did I? I found King Kong for $20. What does that mean? An easy 1000 points straight up! So now that Wayne is aware of the new development in the whole Gamerscore situation I'm waiting for his gaming onslaught. I've also got him tracking his score on www.360voice.com along with Futumbi (Owen) so this is going to get interesting!

Indoor Cricket

Blackout are doing damn well. Three rounds into the new season and three wins. Last game was an especially good one for me. I took out the three stars from the other guys mainly due to a freaky catch I took up the back towards the end of a match we were well and truly winning. I had been hard on myself for a six that had gotten past me a few overs before hand. In hindsight… there was probably no chance of me catching it. But it just fuelled me with determination to not allow more go through. So when the same batsman launched his attack to the back twine I was on the ready. I took a three step lunge to my right and with my right arm out stretched took a diving one handed catch which left me tangled up in the back nets! Damn shame that our games aren't being taped sometimes!

So this new found enthusiasm has got me wanting to get www.blackouthouse.com back into shape again. I want to get the site automatically updating itself. Trouble is that I am simply not nerdy enough to work out the nuts and bolts on how to get it to happen. I like what the NRL have done with their site and that has helped motivate me to get something similar happening.


I love my cricket. But I also love the league! So I guess I am served all year round. I've been busy organising the Footy Tipping for work. But it's been disappointing. I sent emails out to ALL New South Wales and Queensland branches inviting people to join up. I also sent out faxes to said locations as well. We are registering less players this season than last. Not sure what one has to do. We are using www.oztips.com for the first time. This means no more weekly dramas of emailing out to all the guys. Less stress and pressure on yours truly so I can get other stuff done now.


Not happy at all where I am. When I say where I am I am referring to where I am in my career. I need to change but changing a career after more than 10 years in the one industry (9 of those years in Europcar) is daunting. Maybe a holiday is in order. I have a few options but nothing is a gift. I'll need to work for it.


I'll be having the father in law staying over for a month. This is good news but will also be… somewhat awkward for me. But I have offered to have him stay with us as he is family of cause. The other half doesn't want to travel for so long by plane. I was surprised to hear this as I figured it would have been the other way around. I'm looking forward to showing him this great city of ours and the car will be getting a good work out with lots of day trips being planned!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Europcar Footy Tipping Comp (2008)



UPDATE: This season you'll be registering your tips with www.oztips.com and I am pleased to announce that Europcar has allowed access to the site from our work PC's! Now... no excuses for handing in late tips! Best of luck guys!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Get Real Jetstar

As a fairly regular traveller and as someone who has worked in the airport enviroment for the past 8 years I was disgusted to see how Jetstar has shirked their duties and attempted to fob off their customers onto Sydney Airport officials after their flights out missed the 11pm curfew time. Bad weather or not, if there are signs that the airline were going to have customers stranded (some probably miles from home) at a closed terminal which sometimes is home to rats as big as cats then they should have a policy to provide emergency accomodation. If they don't feel it's their duty or obligation they should do it anyway and seek compensation from Sydney Airport authorities later. Throwing people with their luggage onto the pavement or leaving them to fend for themselves as staff run for their cars to get home is not something the public will tolerate.


I have been in their situation both as a customer and as a staff member. I understand perfectly well that after 10 plus hours you wanna bail and go home. But even in my job, if we know of a customer who is on a delayed flight, providing that the customer did the right thingand gave us that flight number, we will wait till as long as necesary. We proved this way back in 2001 when Ansett went bust and had staff that stayed till 2am to help with stranded customers.


I just think Jetstar needs an uppercut for this one.